How many people do you want to live with?
What is the MOST each person can pay with heat and hot water included?
What is the MOST each person can pay without heat and hot water included?
Make sure you discuss expenses with roommates so that you are not put in an awkward position later in your rental cycle. Your realtor and landlord cannot help you when it comes to money or friendships!
Where do you want to live? Ideally pick 2-3 locations depending on transportation needs.
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If you have any pets be prepared to submit a written letter of reference from the veterinarian, neighbors, and/or landlords that have provided housing for you & them in the past. References make a HUGE difference when competing for a rental.
WHEN we locate the perfect place. Be prepared to submit a rental applica-tion, credit checks (done by agent), guarantor forms (If you do not have finances exceeding 3 times annual rent for your portion. Please discuss this as there is more than one way to prove this.) and a one month deposit to submit with a completed application.
Typically a landlord requires first month's rent, last month's rent, and a security deposit upfront. A lease is signed to secure an apartment & is not off the market until signed by both parties: Landlord & all tenants. The security deposit is returned to you within 30 days after move out and after a full inspection to ensure there is no damage to your apartment. (This is why it is important to make sure you complete your "apartment conditions statement" within 15 days. It documents previous damages.)
A realtor's finder's fee is typically one month's rent, unless the landlord is participating in paying some or all of the fee. Each unit varies and can change with the seasons.
You should get apartment insurance, which can cover any lost, stolen, or damaged goods. You are responsible for anything in your apartment. The landlord is only responsible for the outside.
Landlord references are important when moving next time, so try your best to pay your rent on time and maintain a good relationship.
If in the event you need to leave an apartment, each lease defines the notice and terms of what you must do. You are always responsible for the monthly rent from the day you sign your lease until the day it says it end. (Check subletting agreements in the lease...most landlords do not allow subletting. If this becomes a concern, we can cooperate to assist you with re-renting your apartment, pending landlord review.)
If you have any further questions regarding the rental process in the state of Massachusetts, please click here to email or call the main office at 617-868-8500.